Purchasing your very own car can be very exciting and most sales people are more than willing to take advantage of this excitement. They will say and do everything just to make a sale. Your hard-earned money should not be spent on something that does not satisfy your needs. There are several common mistakes that first-time car owners make that you should be aware of. By being aware of these past mistakes, you can avoid being sales talked into a shabby car Not Doing Enough Research
Your first car purchase will affect your daily budget for years until you pay off your loan. This is why you need to conduct a good amount of research before you come down to any type of conclusion. The internet is a great tool that you can use to take a look at different car dealerships as well as their customer reviews, pricing and many more. Researching will give you an idea on how much money you have to shell out for a specific type of car you’re planning to buy. As a first-time buyer, make sure to understand everything as well as other fees that may apply on your purchase. Do not be fooled by advertisements and make sure to read every fine print and policy that applies. Not Taking Advantage of the Test Drive During the test drive, you have to keep in mind that you are going to spend a lot of time behind the wheels of your first car. Because of that, you need to get a good feel of how the car runs and not just go around a block or two. If they allow it, ask the salesperson if it’s okay for you to take the car on a test drive on your own. Just a few minutes won’t cut it. You have to drive the car for at least 30 minutes to really know if it’s the one that you want. Not Knowing Your Financial Standing Your credit score says a lot about you and your financial status. Today, there are many websites that lets you know about your credit score for no charge. Remember, you don’t want to walk into a car dealership without knowing where you stand when it comes to your credit score. This will give the car dealership a reason to give you higher rates that you cannot negotiate. The best thing to do is to be prepared. Check your credit score and financial standing before doing anything else. If you have a limited or if you have no credit history, try to look for a good co-signer just to be sure. Owning a car also means that you need to get an auto insurance. A great car insurance company will explain everything that you need to know as a first-time car owner. At Insurance of the West, our mission is to ensure that we protect are clients and offer them policies that they can afford. Learn more about our products and services by calling our agency at (425) 681-0996 or Click Here so we can give you a free quote.
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