If you are reviewing this year’s budget and feel like you have trim it a little bit, your car insurance should be a good start. You don’t really need to sacrifice a good coverage just to save a few bucks but it’s not bad to talk to your agent about potential ways you can save more money while still fulfilling your insurance needs. Choosing to take advantage of discounts may mean saving a lot of money every year as you continue to pay your premiums. Here are some tips on how you can work your way down to a lower car insurance quote.
Good Credit Score Having a good credit history does not only help make your financial life better, it’s also good for your car insurance quote. If you have a better credit score at the moment compared to the time that you applied for your insurance, you might want to talk to your insurance agent about discounts. A better credit score could also mean a lower car insurance rate in the future. Driving Less If you’ve decided to support the environment and save money at the same time through carpooling, you will find that you use your car less. This can also lead to a good car insurance discount. Check with your insurance agent if they can lower your rates because of low mileage. There are different requirements by different companies, but the lower your mileage is, the bigger the discount you get. Affiliation Discounts Your alma mater and the company you work for play a big role in your life. Depending on your car insurance company, you might be eligible for association discounts just for working in a specific company. You can also check with your insurance agent the different types of affiliation discounts that they offer and check if you can qualify for some of them. Teenagers Having Good Grades Having a teenager driver on your car insurance policy can cost you a lot of money. It can even be more than the combined rate for two adults on your insurance policy. Lucky for you, there are insurance companies that are willing to give your discounts on your policy if your children have good grades in the university. For most companies, a student that maintains a B average could mean a whole lot of discount. Being A Good Driver Being a Good and safe driver could also lead you to lower rates for your car insurance policy. Most companies reward good drivers with discounts as long as they have a good driving record to show for it. Some companies also consider monitoring your good driving skills by installing devices that transmits data to them. At Insurance of the West we take pride in making sure our clients are well protected at prices they can afford. To learn more about how we can help you please contact our agency at (425) 681-0996 or Click Here to request a free quote.
5/31/2018 05:19:58 pm
It sure was nice to know that there is a relationship between the credit score and the insurance rate and that I can ask to get a discount if I have good credit scores. I really hope that works because I intend to insure my house and my car at the same time, and I would love it if I can get a discount. My current credit score is 750, and I know that it is high enough. Thank you for sharing!
12/6/2021 06:26:26 pm
That makes sense that a good credit score will lower your premiums. The insurer probably doesn't have to worry about you paying the premiums, thus they lower it. I'll have to make sure i keep a high credit score when I get a new policy.
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