NO Joining Fees
NO Long Term Contract NO Ownership of your Agency NO Limited Access to Carriers NO Polices issued in the name of IAN NO Commission Splits NO Minimum Premium for Profit-Share NO Profit Share Splits NO Minimum Premium for Association NO Exit Fees or Penalties NO Non-Compete Clause |
What Associates Are Saying!
“IAN has provided ISWASH with increased compensation, market access and a voice that we otherwise would not have had, being a smaller agency. We would recommend them to any and all agencies that are looking to increase revenue and streamline agency operations. We look forward to continuing a long and beneficial relationship with IAN.”
Rebecca Hall – Owner |
“Associating with IAN was one of the best decisions we have ever made as an agency. We became aware of IAN around the same time that Nationwide made major changes to their compensation plan in 2016. After reviewing their contract, it became an easy decision. They have delivered on their promises and are led by great people. We have found them to be
honest and straightforward in our dealings.” Ryan Spencer - Partner |
“IAN has brought so much value to our Agency and provided access to a host of vendors that have helped and will continue to help leverage our Agency for future growth. The industry is constantly changing, and we have found it is so important to align yourself with a strong, trustworthy, team that is knowledgeable and focused on the future, and IAN is that team!”
Wendy David- President |